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Installation example,Orion grip & Single Major


In the day and age we live in, Cable theft Is a Common issue.

Many life’s and Business operations is affected by this problem on a daily basis. Simple but effective initiatives can be implemented very cost effectively. It would be impossible to try and prevent it as a hole, but.

We have a range of products to assist you. Our products are rough bust, effective.


The Orion Grip can be integrated into existing Systems, and Plants.


The Orion Grip offers a 360 degree lock down on any Cable, it would be
Next to impossible to pull or remove any cable after installation. When a cable
Needs replacing, we will offer support and assistance with that task. Placed in
Strategic locations along each cable, The Orion Grip will secure the cable and give you
The needed time to respond to any theft Attempt.



Name: Orion Grip
Purpose: Discourage Theft & Secure Cable
Price: [based on installation configuration ]
Installation: Based on Installation requirement, scope
OEM: Orion Engineered Initiatives.
Sole Supplier: Amandla  Afrika Industries
Patent : Submitted for Registration. [Pending]
Tracking: Serial number unique to each installation [track , site, location and installation date.]

Cost Effective.
Simple Installation [ Quick to install_ live/neutral installation]
No Material Risks for end user.
Design can be Manipulated to suite Customer needs.
Any size cable, at any location can be protected by one of our many design variations.

Visual Inspection Simplified.
Faultfinding access.
Neatens cable Rack and Cable area.
Supply’s additional support for Cable.
Easy installation.
Cost effective.
Integrated Switch Sealed for Tamper Prevention.
Siren & Signal Operates even when wire's are disconnected.
Robust design ensures complete installation integrity.
Two layer paint process, Tamper indication.
Multi cable grip for multi protection.
Minimal Installation risks.


Visual Inspection Simplified.
Faultfinding access.
Neatens cable Rack and Cable area.
Supply’s additional support for Cable.
Easy installation.
Cost effective.
Design can be Manipulated to suite customer needs and requirements.
Robust design ensures complete installation integrity.
Two layer paint process, Tamper indication.
Multi cable grip for multi protection.
Minimal Installation risks.

Over-land protection grip

Orion Grip With Integrated Tamper Switch

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